Openshift Installation


  • Having an Openshift Cluster ready.
  • Being connected to the cluster through the command line.
  • Having a machine with oc, and helm installed.

Install the necessary tools

On the machine or VM you will use to administer the cluster:

Initial Configuration

A file is available in the charts that you will download to depict the project basic settings:

  • Create a project called latence. Another name can be used but then the yaml files would need to be modified accordingly.
oc new-project latence
  • Create a serviceaccount with permission for privileged containers.
oc create serviceaccount -n latence privilegeduser
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -n latence -z privilegeduser

Install the Analyzer on Openshift

Get the necessary files

  • Download the zip file containing the charts:
  • Unzip the files:

Install the Analyzer

  • We will need to modify 2 parameters in our values.yaml file:
    1) The Latencetech License.
    2) The IP address that the Kafka Service will use.

  • Get to know the IP range of your cluster with:

oc get svc
  • In this example we will use the cluster IP
  • We will modify the values.yaml by setting the kafka IP address as

This is how the modified IP address section looks now:

    enabled: true
    pvcSize: 2Gi
    svcPort: 12092
    ingressEnabled: true
    svcClusterIp: ""
    zookeeperEndpoint: "zookeeper"
  • Once the License and the IP are set, we can install the analyzer running this command:
helm install analyzer openshift-analyzer-helm/
  • Wait 60-75 seconds for all the services and pods to be deployed.
  • You can check the status of deployment by running:
oc get all
  • If you set the deployLoadBalancer flag in the values.yaml file to true, you can get the external IP address by doing:
oc get svc

Note: If the API doesn't work, delete the configmap and re-launch

oc delete cm org-config
helm uninstall analyzer openshift-analyzer-helm/
helm install analyzer openshift-analyzer-helm/

Install the Reflector on Openshift

Get the necessary files

Download the zip file containing the charts:

  • Unzip the files:

Install the Reflector

  • We will need to modify 1 parameter in our values.yaml file:
    1) The Latencetech License.

  • You can modify the LTI_reflector_id, but leaving it to 1 will work as well

  • Once all the parameters are set, we can install the reflector running this command:
helm install reflector openshift-reflector-helm/
  • You can check the status of deployment by running:
oc get all
  • The reflector-load-balancer will be the external IP you will use with your QoS-Agent.

Install the Agent on Openshift

Get the necessary files

Download the zip file containing the charts:

  • Unzip the files:

Install the Agent

  • We will need to modify 4 mandatory parameters in our values.yaml file:
    1) The Latencetech License.
    2) The Agent ID (an integer).
    3) The IP address of the Reflector (can be a FQDN)
    4) The IP address of the Analyzer (It has to be CIDR)
# Agent Environment Variables
    LTI_agent_id: "TO-BE-SET"
    LTI_reflector: "TO-BE-SET"
  • We can also modify the metadata section, those data will be displayed on the analyzer and will make it easier for you to monitor your agent.
####### Metadata
    LTI_agent_name: "TO-BE-SET"
    LTI_agent_hardware: "TO-BE-SET"
    LTI_agent_net_type: "TO-BE-SET"
    LTI_agent_net_name: "TO-BE-SET"
    LTI_agent_address: "TO-BE-SET"
    LTI_agent_gps_pos: "TO-BE-SET"
    LTI_agent_details: "TO-BE-SET"
    LTI_agent_expected_application_latency: 30
    LTI_agent_expected_stability: 95
  • You can modify the other parameters belonging to the qos-agent in the section that follows.
  • Once all the parameters are set, we can install the agent running this command:
helm install agent openshift-agent-helm/
  • You can check the status of deployment by running:
oc get all